Thursday, September 17, 2015

Origami - Week 8 Term 3

On Sunday the 13th of September I did some Origami, I did some Origami Bunnies and Corner book marks and a Heart.   To be honest it is trickier than you think because if you get the folding wrong your origami is wrong (like completely). The Origami bunnies were sort of weird because some folding bits were in places that you don't think that it would be. I thought that I was finished the bunny but then it kept on talking and I was like what, what is going to happen now. The corner book marks are really fun to make because at the end you get to decorate them and put googly eyes on the book mark and other stuff like that.

Here are some photos

Corner Book Mark



  1. Hi Ruby, I can see this has taken some perseverance on your part. I used to love doing origami, I can remember how to make a jewellery box and that's about it.

  2. I love your faces that you made they are so cool

    1. Thank You

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.
