Friday, March 27, 2015

My Superhero Costume!

On Friday we had to dress up as a superhero book character and Thomas and I dressed up as Thing One and Thing Two.  Our super powers were helping kids have fun on rainy days and snowy days and make them have a good time.  After brain food we had a superhero parade and the promotional leaders said that I can see Thing one and Thing two.

Ormie the pig

Our class watched a video and it was about ormie the pig, we watched it three quarters the way though and this is what I think happened .

Ormie was walking around the fridge slowly and then in the corner of his eye he noticed cookies on top of the fridge, he couldn't reach them so he sat down to think and then he had an idea of getting in a plane and skydiving down to the cookies.

So there he was holding the sides of the door, ready to jump out, then he tripped over and fell out of the plane and he didn't have a parachute, he face planted on top of the fridge and his face was squished up and when he felt it, he said it felt like a piece of paper.

He showed determination and kept on trying. The next event was the trampoline, he was jumping up and down and the next minute he broke the trampoline and he said my bottom hurts, it feels like its not there any more.

Ormie sat down crying and then another smart pig came and he said my name is Smelly, Ormie smelt around the room and it smelt like rotten eggs. Smelly thought of an idea to ride a  bike, over a ramp and get the cookies. So Ormie rode a bike over the fridge but still didn't get the cookies.  So he gave up and just didn’t get the cookies, poor Ormie.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

My buddies from room 6 & 7

Today we went to our buddy class and found out our new buddies .  Mrs England and Mrs Kelly were the teachers in Room 6 & 7.

My buddies names are Greer and Ella.  Greer is a girl and she is five, Greer has an older sister at this school and her name is Ella and she is in room 9.

Ella is a girl and she is five years old, Ella has two brothers at this school and their names are Toby and Curtis, Ella likes coming to school, swimming and reading books.

After we took our photos we went to the playground and Ella played on the monkey bars, she might be like me because I like to swing on the monkey bars too and Greer likes going down the slide because she came down with me, but Ella didn't want to go down the slide.

Here is a photo of my buddies and I.