Friday, April 24, 2015

Rotorua - Week 1

“Yeah day 2” I said as I was rubbing my eyes after a long day.  
“I’m staying in my bed” I say.  There we are playing on our i pods and phones. 10 minutes later we’re still playing in our PJs and so is mum and dad. 

5 minutes later I was reading a book.  One hour later we’re in the car going out to do some shopping and some fun things.  
First we were heading to the agrodome.
We went on the shweep and that’s when you race each other on a bike around this loop but you aren't on a bike, you were in this capsule with pedals and gears.  Sophia ‘s time was one minute and 45 seconds and my time was one minute and 46 seconds. Sophia bet me by a second.

Next we did the big swing and you're in these sleeping bags, you go up about 40m in the sky. When you're 40m up in the air, someone will pull a yellow rope and then SWING! A way you go swinging in the sky, I was screaming my lungs out.

After that, we did the Free Fall Xtreme and its like you're flying because you lay down on this square mat and you have this suit on, when you fall on the mat you blow up and the wind is so powerful that you can see your cheekbones and my cheeks are so chubby. Someone is holding your legs so you don’t float away and a man is saying what to do.

After that we went to the bike tracks and there were lots of bumps and I fell off my bike. Then we went up to grade 3 (intermediate) and it was down a mountain of woods and there’s this track that you can go on (around the mountain of woods) and when I went down it I got a sore bottom. After that we did the Dipper and it’s a smaller version of grade 3. When we were at the finish we washed our bikes.

After that we went back to our cabin to get ready for a spa. When we were in the spa we saw a teapot, and then when we were having lots of fun when we looked up and there was a kind of pink smoke covering all the stars. 

After we had a swim we went to bed.


  1. Hi Ruby, you are so lucky to have a trip to Rotorua with your family. I can just imagine all the Langfords riding along the bumpy tracks getting sore bottoms. The Miller's loved the agrodome and I can tell that you did too. Keep up the great writing Ruby.

  2. The free fall looks scary, I don't want to do it, the spar looks relaxing, I wish I could do the agrodome it looks like fun.

  3. I would like to go on the shweep next time I go up Rotorua because I love biking

  4. me and my dad wish we could have gone mountain bike track because we love moutain biking
