Thursday, April 30, 2015

Deadly Monster - Week 2

One day when my class was writing on our computers, out of nowhere came a big deadly monster.  
I ran up to Mrs Miller and said, ”There is a big scary monster outside the window”. 
Mrs Miller said back,“There’s no such thing as a monster” 
Then I said, "Look outside” and then Mrs Miller saw the monster. 
“OMG” said Mrs Miller. 
I thought in my head, we’ll be fine because we are in a classroom and then the monster put its hand in the window and the glass broke. 
“Ahhhhhhhhh” I shouted.  
Then Mrs Miller fainted, and my class screamed, even the boys because we didn't have help. After Mrs Miller fainted, the monster put his face through the window and took Mrs Miller and ate her.  When the monster ate Mrs Miller it took all the boys and Bradley said, "I’m too pretty to die” and the monster ate them in one gulp and burped in the girls faces and the girls screamed really loud.
After the monster burped in the girls faces,  the monster picked up Kady, Kalae, Talya, Jasmine, Maiya and Ruby.H.
The deadly monster said, "I’m going to eat you up!” 
Ruby.H shouted in a mean way, "No you’re not!” and then kicked the monster and the monster screamed and let go all the girls. He burped up Mrs Miller but didn't burp up the boys. 
“Ha ha ha” the girls said to the boys.
The boys heard and said, "O golly gosh”.

Friday, April 24, 2015

Rotorua - Week 1

“Yeah day 2” I said as I was rubbing my eyes after a long day.  
“I’m staying in my bed” I say.  There we are playing on our i pods and phones. 10 minutes later we’re still playing in our PJs and so is mum and dad. 

5 minutes later I was reading a book.  One hour later we’re in the car going out to do some shopping and some fun things.  
First we were heading to the agrodome.
We went on the shweep and that’s when you race each other on a bike around this loop but you aren't on a bike, you were in this capsule with pedals and gears.  Sophia ‘s time was one minute and 45 seconds and my time was one minute and 46 seconds. Sophia bet me by a second.

Next we did the big swing and you're in these sleeping bags, you go up about 40m in the sky. When you're 40m up in the air, someone will pull a yellow rope and then SWING! A way you go swinging in the sky, I was screaming my lungs out.

After that, we did the Free Fall Xtreme and its like you're flying because you lay down on this square mat and you have this suit on, when you fall on the mat you blow up and the wind is so powerful that you can see your cheekbones and my cheeks are so chubby. Someone is holding your legs so you don’t float away and a man is saying what to do.

After that we went to the bike tracks and there were lots of bumps and I fell off my bike. Then we went up to grade 3 (intermediate) and it was down a mountain of woods and there’s this track that you can go on (around the mountain of woods) and when I went down it I got a sore bottom. After that we did the Dipper and it’s a smaller version of grade 3. When we were at the finish we washed our bikes.

After that we went back to our cabin to get ready for a spa. When we were in the spa we saw a teapot, and then when we were having lots of fun when we looked up and there was a kind of pink smoke covering all the stars. 

After we had a swim we went to bed.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Pirate Ship


This is the Pirate ship from splash planet, it got burnt down by these silly boys. It is sad because it was made in 1967 and now it's 2015.  My mum was walking the dogs down the park at six o’clock like usual and she saw a big ball of smoke in the sky and then she saw fire.


She went around this walk that we always do and she thought that the jungle jeeps were on fire but the pirate ship caught on fire. They cut a hole in the fence and went in and then put it on fire. This man saw four boys running away from it and laughing and he told my mum.  Once my mum told me I felt like crying because it was made before I was born, it was closed all the time because it was direlect and the owners at Splash Planet thought it might break.  I think that the canoes were underneath so they probably caught on fire is well.

On Monday during Easter, I went to Henrietta's birthday party and we went to Splash Planet and when we went on the train we went past the pirate ship and it made me feel sad because all you see is burnt wood and then you make a connection that silly boys put it on fire.    

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

My Dogs


This is my dog Sam and he is sleeping in this picture. Sam barks a lot, I mean a lot and he is a little cute fluff ball at the moment. On Tuesday 7th of April, he got his fur cut and now he isn’t that much of a fur ball.  When you give him a treat he gets sico and he will jump up on you and follow you around, even if it’s for Jackson.  Sam likes lots of hugs and Sam is a LAZY dog.


This is a photo of Jackson and I, but Jackson isn’t looking at the camera because he is too busy looking at Sam.  Jackson is really cute.  But when a visitor comes that jackson doesn’t know then he will jump up on you just for fun.  Jackson is a fun dog because when I’m on my bike, Jackson will pull Mum to try to keep up to me.  Jackson is a FUN dog.


Tuesday, April 7, 2015

All about this year...

This year my teacher is Mrs Miller. We have had a fabulous year in room 12.  I think you would like to be in Mrs Miller's class next year because she helps you with whatever you get stuck on, like if you go up to her and say that you are confused she will explain it to you but not tell you the answer.

Mrs Miller is fun at camp and when your just about to go to bed she will read you a story.  At camp it was really fun because we played spotlight, went tubing down the river and we caught eels in the hinaki.  We cooked our dinner at the fire-pit and on the billys. It was very FUN at camp.

Mrs Miler is in KEA house and I'm in there to.  My sister Sophia is a KEA house leader and Mrs Miller's daughter is a Kea house leader as well.  KEA HOUSE ROCKS!

White Pine Bush

Driving down the road heading to White Pine Bush over the bridge. It had a sign that had a picture of a dog with a cross over the top.  So we walked over the bridge, then we saw a toilet. We looked in the toilet and there wasn't a hand basin and any soap.  Sophia and I said uh. 
After that we kept walking and we definitely saw lots of trees, me and Sophia ran ahead and hid behind a huge tree and then I poked my head around the tree. I think my dad saw me and I heard him say we must of lost the kids or they ran ahead. 
Down the road heading to White Pine Bush.  Finally we get there, I was excited but Sophia wasn't.  After a while we started walking...

And then the next minute my mum took a photo, I have a feeling that she is taking lots of photos, it is like she is all about photos.  Because when I looked on her gallery I saw a picture of me Sophia and Dad walking but we didn't know. Then we walked along and opposite us there were people and Sophia said lets catch up to them and then dad was like no, and then about five minutes later we were behind them.  Then I saw a little track, as you would say, a dangerous track but it wasn't a track, it was like a passage but you couldn't go down there.

The lady in front of us I think was a person with good eyesight because on this little piece of string that you couldn't see at the bottom of the string was a little tiny caterpillar and when she showed us we were looking at the trees. Then we saw the tiny caterpillar, after we saw it dad said that lady must have good eyesight  because I couldn't see that because that was so tiny that nobody could see it.

Then we came back to the start and on the board it said that the time was an hour but it was only like half an hour and then we had lunch and sat down and ate it quietly.  
After that we went back home while dad was biking home.
Me, mum and Sophia went to the Tongoio walkway.  We were going to go to the Tangoio Falls Lookout and it was 50 minutes return.  So we went across the bridge and the bridge was wobbly, so when ever you moved, the bridge would wobble.  I was like dancing away and the bridge moved side to side and I felt butterflies in my tummy from when the bridge was moving because the bridge was moving very fast.  
After we went over the bridge we went down the the path and you couldn't see anything, because, all that you could see was probably the ground, there were green leaves and green bushes and the pathway was yellowish and the tree trunks were brown, yellow, green, brown like the same colour of a bush so that is why you could really only see green.  
Next we only took about 20 steps and then mum was like lets go and get in the car.  Then I froze and stopped because I wanted to go further. After that mum said come on. Then I followed them.  There was a little river below us when we were on the bridge and we found the way down to it.  There was a lady down the bottom and she asked us, is the water cold.  So we felt the water and it was cold.  Then we answered back and said yes it is cold. After that we went back to the car and drove back home. When we were in the car I felt carsick.    

Lava House!

There I was walking down the forest, in the distance I saw a weird looking house. So I kept walking up slowly, well, very slowly and then I saw a lava house. I screamed really loud so that the whole world could hear my scream even from space. I was so scared that I was shivering at the door.
I touched the door handle, on the door handle it was really puffy and it had snail slime on it, ew I screamed. I knocked on the door and out of no where there was an ugly troll, he smelt like rotten eggs, he had untrimmed nose hairs, a wart on the side of his nose and holes in his clothes. The troll told me his name is Roofus. Roofus was really just naughty and greedy. He invited me in to the lava house I took a deep breath and walked inside.

Roofus showed me the kitchen,  Roofus said this very loud,  this is the blood room but it was the kitchen. I said  excuse me and then Roofus said sorry the kitchen, and I whispered to myself, I shouldn't come here because It is getting freaky. Roofus invited me into the Lava pools. Roofus hopped into a Lava pool and shouted come in here. I shouted back Roofus no I'm fine. Then he shouted are you sure. I shouted back I'm sure, and then Roofus showed me the killing room.
I looked around and there were massaging tables. I looked in a cupboard and in the cupboard was lots of knives. After that Roofus whisperd to me, well we better get going to the next room. So we kept moving to the next room down the hallway where there  were very scary pictures. Then we got to this room, Roofus said this was his bedroom. Roofus just smelt nice and then he had to lie down in his bed and then Roofus smelt like rotten eggs again. Now I have solved the mystery of rotten eggs. Then Roofus shouted LET’S GO TO THE KILLING ROOM. So I took a risk and followed Roofus. After that Roofus whispered loudly, lie down on the massaging table. So I lay down on the massaging table, Roofus open the cupboard of knives and got one of the knives out and on the knife it had BLOOD. 
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! and as quick as lightning I ran out the door, but there were so many rooms that I couldn't find my way out. But then in the fog I saw a door and on the back it had a sign that said WAY OUT. Roofus couldn’t find me in the misty fog and I shot out the door as fast as lightning. There I was walking down the forest in the distance.THE END.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

My Swimming Reflection

I learned how to…tread water with clothes on because we had to wear jeans and a top, you weren't allowed to wear shorts because it is just like togs . I also learned how to do Breaststroke properly with frog legs.

Something I found challenging was…putting on a life jacket because it always had to be tight. Because if you don’t have a life jacket on you will sink to the bottom.

At the end of the year I would like to improve on…Swimming a longer distance.

Mrs Miller, Mr Kenny or Mrs Lowe could help me by…Mrs Miller was a good teacher and she told things to us along the way . So I don't reckon that Mrs Miller has to teach me anything else .

The best part about swimming was...everything.