Super woman lives a dark places. Super woman has tunnels to get to the other places. Super woman’s bedroom has one pole on the ceiling that her bats could hang off the pole.On the floor it is really damp it is like you just stepped in a puddle. She has posters in her room that covers the whole room. Did I say to you that it was underground? Well if I didn't, then it was underground.
Super woman has a bright blue top that glimmers in the dark and also glows in the night too, so if someone is in trouble then they know when Super woman is coming. She has huge wings like angel wings, the angel wings are as black as smoke. Super woman has a bow and arrow, and it came with a few arrows on the bow and arrow. The string was so thin that it could be used as dental floss. Super woman has bullets around her waist, they are bullets that blow up when it hits the ground because in the bullet it has a sensor. So when it hits the ground it knows when to blow up,but if it hits the ground in front of you then you need to run away but if you don’t run away then you will be dead. She had a little gun that wrapped around her leg, the gun shoots those bullets that I just explained to you. On her right arm she has a gauntlet and on her left foot she has one too. She has a another gauntlet. A gauntlet is something that glows in the dark and shoots strength out to make something break like how she gets in to her underground house. You will probably be thinking that it would break and then you won’t have to use it ever again. But here is the point, when she goes in my house. she gets in there and then it becomes the roof. So the roof closes up when she pushes a button. Super woman has bright blonde hair, it looks like gold that was found in a treasure chest with a few black streaks. Super woman has big bright lips, the colour looks like blood. Super woman has a pitch black mole on the side of her nose .It makes her talk to her brother or sister, her sisters name is Lucy and her brothers name is Captain America. In our Super hero family I am the oldest. Then it is Captain America. Then it is Lucy. Super woman has a dark blue boot on her right foot and remember on the left foot it had that gauntlet that I just told you about. Super woman has a really dark coloured mask that is as dark as the night sky. She has dark blue earrings that glimmer in the sun and shine in your face.
Super woman has a scanner to check if they are nice people or bad people. Super woman goes into angry mode when she scans the person and then it says that the person is bad. After a while she starts to fight with the bad people and she always wins. Super woman is the most amazing girl in the whole entire world.
Super woman’s powers are totally awesome, one of her powers is that she can shoot lasers from her eyes. She can be invisible so that nobody can see her, so she can get into places with out people knowing that she is going there. She can shoot strength from her fist and if you point it up to the sky then it will shoot into the sky and go into space and probably break a planet. Then pieces of the planet will come down onto you.